How grading works in codePost
All submissions in codePost must be assigned to a grader. A grader can either be
An admin of codePost course (that's probably you π), or
A course staff member whose role is limited to reviewing submissions (e.g. a TA or undergraduate grader)
How graders grade submissions
When an admin uploads a submission to codePost, that submission enters the Submission Queue. Graders in codePost can claim ungraded submissions from the submission queue to review. Once claimed, a submission can no longer be claimed by another grader.Β
You can add as many graders as you'd like from the Roster/Graders page of the Admin Console. As they grade, you can audit their work from the Submissions/Graders page.Β
How admins grade submissions
Every codePost admin is automatically made a grader. Admins can choose to grade as a grader, or they can select submissions fro the Admin Console, and assign those submissions to themselves from the Code Console.